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Kosaki/Penttinen syndromes
Knowing and Treating Kosaki / Penttinen - an international study for the benefit of patients

Knowing and Treating Kosaki / Penttinen

An international study for the benefit of patients

The Knowing and Treating Kosaki/Penttinen study aims to improve the understanding of the scientific and medical communities about Kosaki and Penttinen syndromes by working with international experts to build a database of the world's largest cohort of patients with these syndromes.

Ultimately, we hope to meet the therapeutic needs of these patients, allowing earlier diagnosis to prevent complications and improve their quality of life on a daily basis.


Knowing and Treating Kosaki/Penttinen, the whole world is mobilising !

Find out all you need to know about the teams already working with us.


As of May 2023, the consortium already includes 21 teams from 12 countries around the world.

Click on this image to see all the Map

Capture carte kosaki oct2024.PNG
Latest news

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Stay informed about the progress of the project

Welcome to the new teams joining us !   By May 2023, more than 30 doctors and researchers from around the world are already involved in the project ! 

Welcome to the new teams joining us !

By October 2024, more than 30 doctors and researchers from around the world are already involved in the project ! 

 01 10 2024 

Funding request   We have received funding from the AnDDI-Rares network to make our project a reality ! 

Funding request

We have received funding from the AnDDI-Rares & OSCAR Rare Diseases Healthcare networks to make our project a reality!network to make our project a reality ! 

 01 10 2024 

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Contact us

Pr Laurence FAIVRE
Head of the Genetics Department
Dijon Bourgogne University Hospital
14 rue Paul Gaffarel
21000 Dijon

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